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 Welcome to Road To Fitness advise column.

Have you got a training regime?


Are you training and finding that your not getting the gains that you need…. well here are a few easy steps to help you out.


Look at your programme and see how long you have been doing the same routine for.


Look at your targets and goals


Your programme should be changed every 6 weeks. What happens is that your body starts to plateau. Once you hit that stage you know its time to change things to help with those gains.


This can be as simply as increasing the amount of reps and sets, increasing the intensity of your cardio by looking at interval training. Also look at having a massage once a month help with muscle repair and relieve tension to help with those gains that you’ve been looking for.


Hope this helps!!!


Enjoy the workout and hopefully speak to you in the near future keep training hard and everything will full in to place!!!


If there is any other information you would like to know then please don’t hesitate to contact myself Richard Gordon  

 Welcome to Road To Fitness advise column.

Have you got a training regime?


Are you training and finding that your not getting the gains that you need…. well here are a few easy steps to help you out.


Look at your programme and see how long you have been doing the same routine for.


Look at your targets and goals


Your programme should be changed every 6 weeks. What happens is that your body starts to plateau. Once you hit that stage you know its time to change things to help with those gains.


This can be as simply as increasing the amount of reps and sets, increasing the intensity of your cardio by looking at interval training. Also look at having a massage once a month help with muscle repair and relieve tension to help with those gains that you’ve been looking for.


Hope this helps!!!


Enjoy the workout and hopefully speak to you in the near future keep training hard and everything will full in to place!!!


If there is any other information you would like to know then please don’t hesitate to contact myself Richard Gordon


We are here to help get you on the route to success and the road to recovery!